Dr. Thomas Utzerath (lawyer)
Born in Altenkirchen in 1977; lawyer since 2005
Marburg University 1997 – 1999, Bonn University 1999 – 2002 (first state examinations 2002), internship at Düsseldorf Regional Court (second state examinations 2005), graduated in 2006
- A medical product manufacturer’s duties of providing information – requirements of labelling and instructions of use pursuant to the MDR, Medizinprodukte Journal4/2017, P. 293 ff.
- Advertising in the aftermath of a death, BestattungsWelt05/2017, P. 18
- There is no minimum price for pharmaceutical wholesalers, LTO – Recht aktuell, 06/10/2017
- Advertising for pharmaceuticals with an “efficient” effect is inadmissible, GRUR-Prax17/2017, P. 413
- Federal Administrative Court, extending authorisation for homeopathic pharmaceuticals with remarks by Dr. Thomas Utzerath, Pharmaceuticals & Law, Magazine 2/2017, P. 75 ff.
- Medical product advertising: is the intended purpose decisive?, DeviceMed, 30/01/2017
- EuCoJ on the principle of mutual trust, responsibility remains responsibility, LTO – Recht aktuell, 23.11.2012
- The seller’s liability for erroneous and missing instructions of erection and operation, Marburg 2006 (dissertation)
Society of German Lawyers (DAV); German Association for Commercial Legal Protection and Copyright Law (GRUR)